Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Haunted Heart
Category: Romance and Relationships
I woke up from a dream today
So terrible and so real
Bringing back memories
And things I didn't want to feel
Dreams of a love that was lost
And all the pain it put me through
A nightmare of hurtful things
We should never say never do
Dreams of someone who doesn't exist
At least she doesn't anymore
Once she gave me so much hope
Of a family and so much more
We spent years together
Planning out all our dreams
But all that's gone now
And nothing's what it seems
I was so happy for a time
Wrapped in her loving arms
But I can't feel that now
And all I feel is harm
Once I felt love like I've never known
When I looked into her eyes
But after all that's happened
I wonder how much was only lies
Just how much of it was real
And how much of it only show
My heart wants to believe
But now I'll never really know
Was the girl I loved even real
Is what hurts the most
Was she the love of my life
Or just a beautiful ghost
I remember the girl I met
On that warm spring night
But she changed over time
And vanished from my sight
We had the love like you see in movies
Seemed nothing could tear us apart
But something must have changed
Something deep inside her heart
You see that girl is gone today
She no longer exists
But I still remember her face
And the taste of her kiss
Now just memories remain
Along with the devil's taunting
Because today she's gone far away
But in my heart she's still haunting